After The Leaves Fall
"After the Leaves Fall" depicts a woman gracefully parading through the streets of Montreal, with autumn leaves strewn on the ground. With each step, she moves with elegance, capturing the beauty and tranquility of the season.
Demo Reel 2023
Check out the Demo Reel 2023, showcasing the highlights of the videos. An exciting collection that captures creativity and skills in audiovisual production.
Demo Reel Motion Graphics
"Demo Reel Motion Graphics" is an engaging compilation of graphic animation projects. With a variety of dynamic and creative creations, this video showcases skills in motion design.
Upper Canada Village - Ontario, Canada
Upper Canada Village is an open-air museum in Ontario, Canada, recreating a 19th-century village. With historic houses, shops, and workshops, it provides an authentic glimpse into Canadian rural life of the time. Visitors can explore the community's daily life and take part in interactive activities.
Biodôme (Biodome)
The Montreal Biodome is a unique ecological facility located in Quebec, Canada, offering visitors a journey through various ecosystems, from tropical rainforests to polar regions. With immersive exhibits, educational programs, and a focus on conservation, it provides an unforgettable experience for nature enthusiasts and families alike.
Formule Peel
Exploring the Thrill of Formule Peel! This video delves into the excitement and speed of Montreal's Formule Peel, capturing the adrenaline of the races and the passion of the drivers. An exhilarating experience that goes beyond the tracks, connecting viewers to the unique atmosphere of this thrilling sport.
The Doll
"The Doll" is a spine-chilling short film that revolves around a creepy doll. As eerie events unfold, the doll's sinister presence becomes increasingly unsettling. Viewers are drawn into a world of suspense and terror as they witness the terrifying encounters with the haunted doll.
Barbecue Tips With Bruno BBQ
"Barbecue Tips with Bruno BBQ" provides valuable insights from seasoned barbecue expert Bruno BBQ. Discover secrets about meat cleaning and cutting, among other essential tips to enhance your barbecue skills. Get ready to become a barbecue master!
Promotional Video Bafo Burn
Discover Bafo Burn: Craft Burgers and Rock 'n' Roll! Dive into the unique atmosphere of this burger joint, where delicious craft burgers are served to the tunes of rock music and with band-inspired names. Get ready for an unforgettable culinary experience!
Agenda Erasmus (Erasmus Planner)
Discover Diversity: Erasmus Planner on TVU! Explore a new section dedicated to international students on TVU, providing everything you need to make the most of your Erasmus experience at the University of Porto. Stay tuned for events, cultural activities, and exclusive tips to explore the city and make new friends!
Theater Play 'Devagar' by Howard Barker
Experience an engaging video about the play 'Devagar' by renowned playwright Howard Barker, a theatrical journey delving into the complexities of human nature.
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